Advanced odor monitoring around an Energy Recovery Unit (ERU) – SYCTOM – France

Treatment of household and industrial waste
The "Etoile Verte" incineration plant operated by SYCTOM in Saint-Ouen faced persistent challenges related to strict regulatory requirements and odor management, raising concerns within the local community. With an incineration capacity of 600,000 tons of household waste per year, the plant had to address significant issues. Traditional monitoring methods proved insufficient for accurately identifying the sources of odors and assessing their impact on the surrounding area.
To address these challenges, an advanced monitoring system was implemented starting in 2021. This system includes the strategic deployment of approximately 20 Ellona WT1 Pro sensors, configured for detailed odor analysis. An urban environment model was developed to map potential sources of odors, facilitating the correlation of local complaints with actual emissions. The 20 WT1 Pro monitors deployed are capable of:
- Measuring Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Measuring sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, as well as other odor-causing components like ammonia
- Detecting specific gases and particles
Before installing the monitors at Etoile Verte, Ellona collected representative samples using Tedlar bags on-site and performed a comprehensive laboratory analysis and dynamic olfactometry of the potentially odor-causing components present. Odor thresholds were established using the dilution method described in ASTM E679. This allowed Ellona to create a qualitative odor footprint of the site and install monitors capable of detecting specific odor-causing components present on the site.
Thanks to this initiative, several benefits were observed:
- Odor alerts enabling rapid and effective responses
- Precise qualitative and quantitative identification of odor sources
- Continuous monitoring ensured 24/7
- Measurable success in odor mitigation
- Clear distinction between local emissions and those from external sources