Written by Anne Dequeker

11 May 2023


ELLONA was a guest at Aguaresiduales.info webinar

05/09/2023 – Miguel Escribano, ELLONA Sales Director, was a guest at the webinar organized by AGUASRESIDUALES.INFO, on May 9 in Spain. This event was an online technical conference on “Innovations in odor management: electronic noses or instrumental odor monitoring systems (SIVO)”.

This event had at least 539 registered professionals, from Spain, Portugal and Latin America. During the event, experts in the field shared their knowledge on the state of the art of technologies and their applications in managing of air quality and detecting odors and chemical risks. Concrete and tangible use cases were also presented, to analyze how these technologies are applied.

Miguel Escribano spoke with Carlos Nietzsche Diaz, CEO of Ambiente and Odora, and Santiago Marco from the University of Barcelona.

Webinar hosted by José M. Del Arco.

Just have a look at the video below:


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