IOMS proven effective to monitor accurately the odour concentration

The team including Carmen Bax*, Beatrice Lotesoriere and Laura Capelli developed a new experimental protocol for IOMS training, involving specific regression models for each odour source available on the site to be monitored. The field results comparison showed high odour concentration accuracy for the new model vs overestimated concentrations for the standard model.

The IOMS used for the experiment was Ellona’s WT1, and the field work was done at a landfill fenceline.

A key conclusion of the experiment is that the estimation can be used to identify « warning » concentration thresholds that may allow preventing odour problems in the surroundings of the plant. This indeed offers many advantages from a plant management point of view.

Importantly, the experimentation and the new model proved the importance of a proper IOMS training, accounting for all odour sources of the plant during the set up phase, to ensure reliable estimations during the monitoring phase.

The full publication from Carmen Bax*, Beatrice Lotesoriere, Laura Capelli is available  HERE or on


You may also want to watch the video presentation from Carmen Bax at the 9th IWA Odours & VOC/Air Emission Conference, Bilbao, Spain,


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